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Dreams don't work unless you do.

Clare Sim

In a sea of never-ending 'practical' commitments,

You might feel like you're drowning, so caught up in the currents of demands sweeping you around that you don't even have time to think.

You might be drifting, doing what's necessary to survive, but inside you feel this gaping black hole of emptiness that's growing and consuming you, and you wonder what's the point of floating and drifting around.

You might hold a ball of passion within you, grasping it like a lifeline, dreaming about escaping the sea and finally doing what you wanted all along.

The question is: What can you do NOW, just something small, to get yourself out of your situation?

You have the ability at any moment to change your circumstances. But, it's not going to be easy. How can it be easy, given that you've spent years in your current situation?

It takes hard work to live a life of meaning. Entrepreneurs work and struggle for years to build what they believe in. This means being okay with uncertainty, being okay with knowing that your income is low for an indefinite amount of time, and being okay with the possibility that success is not guaranteed.

The prospect of dealing with uncertainty is the same reason why so many people choose to continue working in 9 to 5 jobs that sap their vitality, becoming cogs in a machine that only focuses on KPIs and output and sales and income. Granted, it takes hard work to live this life too. But the hard work here serves an entirely different goal - to survive.

Surviving means you just have to make sure you keep your head above the water in the sea of commitments. But THRIVING means you work to think about why you're in the sea in the first place, you work to get out if you need, or work to make your journey in the sea a more meaningful one if you choose to stay.

What's ONE little thing you can do right now, to start building the life you want?

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