This seems like such an 'inappropriate' and 'self-centred' topic to write about, in the Asian context at least. My parents have never reacted well when I showed pride for something I felt I excelled at, unless it was for my grades or ranking in class.
What's your answer to this question? I'll hazard a guess that many might mention an accomplishment in school or work, a creation from a hobby, or even a loved one. So many possibilities.
For me, it'd probably be the personal transformation I experienced from 2013 till now. I've finally - after stumbling around and exploring for 3 years - more or less settled on my beliefs, my interests, and my potential career paths (for now, at least. I can never say anything is set in stone). My self-worth is now on more stable ground, and my perspective on failure has become grittier. I'm more able to be there for people who are struggling now, because of my own dark times, and have an appreciation for my past in a way I couldn't before.
Have I maybe achieved self-actualization, like Maslow theorized? I hope so, or at least on my way to be!
Other things I can think of -
Being self-aware such that I don't let my emotions dictate my actions (at least, I try not to)
Actually enjoying the critical thinking process on writing fluency and research papers or presentations
Being comfortable living on the fine line of searching for a life partner, yet being ok with singlehood at the same time
Being a child of God, which grounds me in periods of uncertainty and insecurity