Fudge Brownies

Those chocolate fudge brownies seem to be a perennial favourite with everybody. I loved having brownies from bakeries and cafes - imagine the rich chocolate, warm and served with a dollop of vanilla ice cream. Every bite you take is hot and cold, chocolatey and milky, a burst of sweetness. SO GOOD.
I used to eat them all without discernment in taste. It was only after I started baking that I notice the differences between the tastes and textures in brownies from different places. Those mini brownies you find in some bakeries with a 'petite' collection have more air within and crumbles more easily, with only a light chocolate flavour. Can't complain; the price is very affordable.
The brownies here use a recipe (recommended by Timothy, my baking collaborator) that produces rich, thick, and soft brownies on the inside, with a slightly crisp outer layer.

It's been a long time since I received an order for brownies, so this time I took some photos and got the chance to share samples with friends and colleagues! To order some or request for samples, click on the Order tab (: